Your Ultimate Guide to the Perfect Experience at a BJD Convention!

Do you want to get to know other BJD creators and their work in person? Maybe you want to introduce your amazing creature to collectors?

A new BJD convention coming to Dallas

If so, you should be getting ready for the BJD convention. Since the BJD hobby is not wide-spread, you might not have a lot of options to connect with a like-minded community. And this is where BJD conventions come into play.

In this article, you’ll see what exactly BJD conventions are and what you should keep in mind to bring your doll to the event. Plus, you’ll also discover my top tips for going to BJD conventions.

Let’s begin!

Key TakeawaySummary
BJD conventions are vibrant eventsBJD conventions are exciting gatherings where you can meet like-minded creators, showcase your dolls, and discover new works.
Keep your BJD safeEnsure the safety of your doll by never letting it out of your sight and being cautious of who touches it to prevent damage or staining.
Consider going with a friendGoing to a BJD convention with a friend can enhance your experience, help with doll upkeep, and provide networking support.
Bring cash for purchasesCash is essential for purchasing unique items such as clothes, accessories, and customized dolls, especially in second-hand sales.
Set a budgetSet a spending limit to avoid overspending by bringing a specific amount of cash with you and resisting impulse buying.
Plan out your eventsPlan your schedule in advance, considering workshops, panels, meet-ups, and swap meets to make the most of your time at the convention.
Bring your own snacksSave money and have more dietary options by bringing your own snacks and beverages, as on-site food can be expensive and limited.

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What are BJD Conventions?

A BJD convention is an incredibly fun, exciting, and informative event where you can meet interesting people who have the same hobby as you do.

What’s more, BJD creators come to these events with their dolls, meaning you’ll also get to know a lot of impressive dolls and introduce yours too.

BJD conventions usually consist of competitions as well. So if you have created a doll that you’re really proud of, why not get it in front of a jury?

There are actually several reasons people go to BJD conventions, including:

  • Networking with like-minded people
  • Introducing their BJDs to collectors
  • Participating in BJD competitions
  • Discovering astonishing works of other BJD creators
  • Buying (or selling) unique BJDs, or handmade clothes and accessories

Bringing Your Doll

Why don’t you show your most amazing creation to the larger public of BJD creators and collectors?

My dollies at Nomikai Con

If you’ve never been to a BJD convention before, you might feel overwhelmed by thinking about what you should do. Below are my personal recommendations to get a positive convention experience and enjoy your time during the event.

Keep Your BJD Safe

Some creators have reported their BJDs to be broken or even stolen during the convention. To prevent any of these from happening, I highly recommend you don’t let your doll out of your sight – not even for a second! Remember to always know where she is at all times. Look at it like a baby – obviously, you wouldn’t take an eye off your baby if you were at an event with him/her. You should do the same with your BJD.

Also, make sure to see my guide on carrying cases and other creative ways to travel with your BJD. Especially helpful at a BJD convention!

Prevent Your Doll from Being Touched

Some people really like holding or touching BJDs, and this action always contains a risk of damaging your doll. Some of these doll conventions are mixed in with anime conventions so there is a chance someone who doesn’t know how to handle BJDs will want to interact.

Some people simply don’t know that they’re not supposed to touch the faceup and others could drop your doll. But that’s not all. Some conventions have cosplayers who wear things like body paint. And what they don’t understand is that resin can be easily stained.

The only way to prevent your BJD from getting damaged is to stay alert to who touches your doll and how. So my best tip would be to monitor ANY interactions people might want to have with your BJD and feel free to restrict a touch from anyone you may think is “risky”.

BJD Convention Going tips!

(you can look at anime convention tips and probably pull a few good tips from there too, like bringing cash, snacks since on-site food is sometimes expensive, etc.)

Go With a Friend

If you’re going to a BJD convention for the first time, you should definitely consider going with your friend. Especially if your friend has some experience with conventions. You can split the cost of a room and even travel there together.

A friend can help you with dolly upkeep, help with photo shoots, or even with networking throughout the event.

Bring Cash

Bringing cash to a BJD convention is definitely a good idea because you’ll probably find some unique clothes, accessories, wigs, eyes, or even the customized doll that you’d want to purchase.

While many company booths accept PayPal, which makes things very easy, you’ll need cash for second-hand sales.

Set Yourself a Budget

It’s extremely easy to get excited over the amazing BJD staff you might find at BJD convention events. That’s why I’d highly recommend that you set yourself a budget – an amount of money you are okay spending that day – and stick to it.

You can simply do this by bringing only a certain amount of cash with you so you can’t go over your budget.

How much money to bring completely depends on what you’re after. If it’s a doll that you want to purchase, that could be anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a grand or more. If you’re after wigs, clothing, or accessories, a couple hundred should be enough.

Another thing you can do is use your first day at the convention just to look around and come back on the second day to make your purchase. This way, you’d eliminate a chance of impulse buying. However, there’s a risk that your favorite items will sell out.

Plan out your events

When you go to a convention there are so many things for you to attend within the convention. There are workshops, panels, meet-ups, swap meets, and so much more! Get a good idea of how you want to spend your time and where you want to go. If you are planning on going to things such as workshops or swap meets, make sure you come prepared. Most workshops will have fees for supplies or you might need to bring something in specific. If you are going to a swap meet you are going to want to make sure you bring the items you intend on trading.

Wherever you choose to go just make sure you get a good concept of time going from one place to another and maybe even highlight it on the schedule which events you plan on attending.

Bring Snacks

Bringing your own snacks and beverages to a BJD convention is a great idea. Sure, there are vendors who sell junk food, pretzels, and soda, but they are usually pretty expensive.

Plus, when you bring your own snacks, you won’t be limited to the options individual vendors provide. Maybe you don’t want to eat junk food at all?


Attending a BJD convention can be a thrilling and rewarding experience for BJD enthusiasts. It offers a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, showcase your doll creations, and explore the fascinating world of BJDs. By following the tips and guidelines provided in this article, you can ensure a positive and enjoyable convention experience.

Remember to prioritize the safety of your dolls, be mindful of who interacts with them, and consider going with a friend for added support. Setting a budget and planning out your events in advance will help you make the most of the convention and avoid overspending. Lastly, don’t forget to bring cash for purchases and your own snacks to stay energized throughout the event.

Whether you’re a seasoned BJD convention-goer or attending for the first time, these insights and suggestions will help you navigate the event with confidence and make lasting memories.

Embrace the opportunity to immerse yourself in the BJD community, discover extraordinary dolls and creations, and foster new connections with fellow enthusiasts!

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