Finding Hidden Gems: 5 Expert Tips for Scoring Incredible Second-Hand BJD Dolls!”

There’s something exhilarating about finding your dream BJD at a discounted price, with faster shipping and minimal waiting.

However, before embarking on your second-hand BJD journey, it’s crucial to arm yourself with valuable insights and considerations. Join us as we delve into the enchanting realm of pre-loved dolls and uncover the tips you need to make informed and rewarding purchases.

Let’s dive right in and unravel the wonders that await you!

Key TakeawaySummary
Brand New vs Used/Second Hand BJDsSecond-hand BJDs offer the opportunity to give love to a doll that is no longer wanted, with the potential for unique faceups and added value.
Pros of Buying Second Hand BJDSecond-hand BJDs can be more affordable, offer full sets at lower prices, and provide customization options and limited edition finds.
Cons of Buying Second Hand BJDPre-owned BJDs may have scratches or stains, cost more depending on customization, and may involve dealing with scalpers or potential seller issues.
Different Second Hand Markets: Where to Buy Used BJDReputable platforms for purchasing second-hand BJDs include DOA Marketplace, eBay, Yahoo Japan Auctions, and various Facebook groups.
Tips to Buy a Used/Second Hand BJDRead listing descriptions thoroughly, ensure authenticity of the doll, know what accessories are included, and trust your instincts about the seller’s credibility.
Tips to Safely Buy Second Hand BJDPurchase from legitimate sites, avoid using “friends and family pay” in PayPal, protect your personal and banking information, consider partial payments until delivery, and check seller reviews for reliability.
Is Buying a Used/Second Hand BJD Worth It?Buying second-hand BJDs can be a worthwhile endeavor, offering savings and unique opportunities, as long as caution is exercised and thorough communication with sellers takes place.

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Brand New vs Used/Second Hand BJDs

First of all, what is a second hand doll? Second hand dolls are dolls that have had previous owners. Some people buy them and don’t really bond well, some need some quick cash, and others are sold because they may be leaving the hobby. Whatever the reason, second hand dolls are basically used dolls.

Let’s compare brand new BJDs to the used ones.

One thing I love about buying a “twice loved” BJD is that you have the opportunity to give love and a home to a doll is no longer wanted.

You get an opportunity to get a doll that has a previous faceup already on. This can be very beneficial especially if you are not sure how to do a BJD faceup. Sometimes having a faceup from specific artists can bring value to a used doll too!

This lucky buyer found a discontinued Pipos doll!

Just because a doll is “second hand” doesn’t mean it isn’t good.

When it comes to pricing, many people think second-hand BJDs are much cheaper than brand new ones. And while it’s typically true, that’s not always the case; customized dolls are often worth more than the basic dolls that come from the manufacturer.

Another lucky find from a friend in the community! A discontinued Leekeworld Kyou secondhand for only $85!

As I’ve already mentioned above, some BJDs increase in value over time and might as well exceed the prices of brand new dolls as well. An increase in price takes place not only because of BJD customization and history but the fact that some older models become harder to find. If the doll was sold once as a limited edition doll, that can also drive up the price.

Depending on what you are looking for can really lead you towards a more economical buy, or a search for a holy grail. Ask yourself this: Is the doll being sold still in production? Is the doll you are looking for a limited edition or discontinued doll? If the doll is still in production, what is the price for one brand new versus that it is being sold at?

These are all good questions to ask yourself when you are shopping around.

Here are some of the main pros and cons of buying second-hand BJDs.

Pros of Buying Second Hand BJD

  • Pre-owned BJD may cost less compared to brand new (especially if they are still in circulation)
  • You could get a chance to purchase a full set for a more affordable price (it has a faceup/some basic clothes)
  • They’re customized and could look like something you may have had in mind (all the work is done for you)
  • You can find dolls that are no longer in production or are limited edition dolls
  • Some people will even offer layaway!

Cons of Buying Second Hand BJD

  • A pre-owned BJD may have scratches or stains on its face and body
  • Pre-owned BJD may cost much more compared to brand new (depending on customization/if they are still in circulation)
  • There are scalpers (people who drastically will raise the price) that will try to overcharge for limited edition dolls
  • You always run the risk of running into problems with sellers (they don’t ship the doll, they don’t disclose all info of the condition of the doll, they could be selling off a recast)

Different Second Hand Markets: Where to Buy Used BJD

Now that you know the main differences between brand new and second-hand BJDs, you might be wondering where to purchase second-hand BJDs. Here’s the list of reputable websites and Facebook groups where you can find pretty interesting BJDs at good prices.

  1. DOA Marketplace
  2. eBay
  3. Yahoo Japan Auctions
  4. Iplehouse
  5. Fairyland
  6. Denver Doll Emporium
  7. LatiDoll
  8. Den of Angels
  9. BJD Addicts Sales group on Facebook
  10. BJD Saviors: Damaged doll sales group on Facebook
  11. BJD Adoption group on Facebook
  12. BJD Selling Universe group on Facebook

Tips to Buy a Used/ Second Hand BJD

Whether you’re buying a second-hand BJD off of DOA, eBay, Facebook group, or anywhere else, there are a few things you should look out for before you actually make a purchase.

Here are my top tips to buy the best second hand BJD:

1. Read the listing description closely

The very first thing you should keep an eye on is the actual listing. The listing gives you so much information about so many things, including the type and condition of the BJD.

If you see a sales post that says “I have “this doll” and “I want this much for it” and that’s it, you should take it as a red flag. You obviously need to know more about the BJD that you’re purchasing. You want to know its sculpt, when it was purchased, what’s its current condition (does it have scratches, or is it new?), does it come with a wig, clothes, etc. and so much more, and most importantly…do they have the COA for the doll? (COA is a certificate of authenticity)

That’s why, it’s always important to read the description and not just skim through it, because if you don’t know what you’re buying in the first place, you can’t even complain about what you’ve received later on.

2. Is the doll legit or fake?

At this time and age, there are people who scam others just to make some money. So if you’re looking for a legit BJD, you should look out for a doll that comes with the following proof of authenticity:

  • Original box
  • Tags
  • Certificate of authenticity
  • Actual screenshot or a receipt showing where this seller has bought the doll from (even an online receipt)

Note that some scammers may even send you a fake certificate of authenticity, but you can easily notice that it’s not legit. Fake certificates are usually incomplete – they lack certain details like the SKU, manufacturing date, serial number, etc.

3. Find out what you’re getting in advance

Another thing to look out for when you’re buying a second-hand BJD is to check or ask the seller if the doll comes with all the attributes, like eyes, wigs, clothes, accessories, etc. Some second hand dolls might be pictured with clothes and wigs, but the seller might not be looking to sell those with the doll.

Understanding all that is included is a good point because if the doll doesn’t come as you want it to come, you can either move on to the next seller or purchase additional things that this particular doll is missing.

4. Do you have a good feeling about the seller?

Lastly, it’s always a good idea to communicate with the seller before you make a purchase. Most of the time, you might get a feeling that this person is acting weird and fake. And that’s a good sign because since you don’t want to get scammed, you can avoid weird sellers right from the very beginning.

And if you’re not sure about your feeling, you can also search the seller’s name (or screen name) to find if there are any positive or negative reviews about him/her. There is a feedback group on Facebook and some even on Den of Angels.

BONUS TIP (Always Take Screenshots):

When you are going to go through with a sale ALWAYS take a screenshot of the sales ad from the place you are buying your BJD/BJD items from. Get a screenshot of the sellers info/name/conversation you have with them. I moderate a very large BJD sales page on Facebook and have seen the occasional scammer delete all their posts and information in order to hide themselves. It is so important to have all these pieces in your hands in the event something goes wrong.

Tips to Safely Buy Second Hand BJD

1. Only buy from legitimate sites

Online shopping may sometimes be risky. Just because many people don’t check the legitimacy of websites and buy from unknown sites without thinking twice, the number of online scams is increasing daily.

But don’t worry. Simply ensure that the website you’re buying from is reputable. There are several second hand markets on Facebook and even on Instagram too. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to the veterans in the hobby and ask if they’ve heard of that particular store or ask for recommendations on where to buy a second-hand BJD.

2. Don’t use “friends and family pay” in PayPal

Every reputable online store or even an independent seller has a business account set up. So if anyone asks you to transfer funds using PayPal’s “friends and family pay”, that’s the red light. It’s a HUGE red light.

The reason behind avoiding “friends and family pay” is that when you’re transferring money using this option, you can’t open a dispute in case the goods don’t arrive or don’t match your expectations. Don’t set yourself up for failure by caving in for whatever reason they may try to present to you for using friends and family payment only. The extra percentage charge is worth it when you are looking to pay someone possibly hundreds of dollars.

3. Be safe with your banking info/personal info

I would work through money services online and NEVER just give my credit card number to someone via an email or over the phone. I know this seems pretty obvious but don’t let people swindle you into doing other payment methods that cannot be protected.

4. Don’t pay the seller fully until you receive your doll

Partial payments can be your friend. I’d recommend you don’t pay the seller fully before you receive your BJD and confirm its condition. Alternatively, you can pay only half/part of the payment until you receive the item and pay the remaining part after you get your delivery. Come to some sort of arrangement because you don’t want to give over $400 dollars and then not receive your doll at all.

5. Check seller reviews

Most online platforms have a feature that allows buyers to review sellers. And when it comes to buying stuff online it’s always useful to check seller reviews before you click that “buy now” button. Simply take a quick look at the reviews to get an idea of the quality of goods the particular person sells and his/her attitude. There are several places to check feedback and don’t be afraid to ask the seller on where you can find feedback on them!

Is Buying a Used / Second Hand BJD Worth It?

Another happy story of a friend getting a second hand Doll Family doll. It was their first doll and they got to try out some mods with it!

In conclusion, delving into the world of second-hand BJDs offers an exciting opportunity to find hidden gems and expand your doll collection while potentially saving money. The prospect of giving love to a doll that is no longer wanted, with the added bonus of unique faceups and customization, is truly enticing.

However, it is essential to approach the process with caution and diligence. Take the time to thoroughly read listing descriptions, verify the authenticity of the doll, and inquire about included accessories.

Trust your instincts and communicate with sellers to ensure a smooth and satisfying transaction!

By following these expert tips and being proactive in your buying process, you can embark on a rewarding journey of scoring incredible second-hand BJD dolls. Happy doll hunting!

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