Hiatus Almost Over

If you were wondering where Asenva went off to and why I haven’t posted any videos or written any articles…..let me fill you in.

The new house

In July we made the decision to sell the newly built house. There was some problems with it and hubby was not too happy with it. We in all honesty rushed it and even signed off on it before it was finished being built. There was so many problems with it and we decided we best sell it while the housing market was in our favor.

Fast forward to August where we did find a new home (building another new home yet again) and so I am currently living with my mother in law in her home. We do have a office but I share it with my husband. It is not a big space and honestly doesn’t inspire me to do BJD stuff in.

The new home has a closing date of Nov 28 but the building team says probably early December. We do not want to rush this home this time and I DO NOT want to sign off until it is 100% done. We learned from our mistakes and will make sure its finished to our satisfaction.

The new job

During this whole time I was “retired” from teaching and I was doing property manager work and running an AirBnB. We were doing the minimum with my husbands job and these side hustles. I even started substitute teaching to help make more income so we weren’t so tight. It was nice because I spent a lot of time with Marcy and really had planned to home school her in 2022.

In August the school I frequented asked if I wanted to long term sub for the same teacher I was long terming for at the end of last school year. I said yes and was ready to have a steady income for a few months. Well…the teacher decided they were not coming back and therefore the position was left open. The admin on campus offered it to me and I honestly like the school and the people in it. I was originally going to stay subbing for this year and then jump back into teaching next school year, but this was too good of an opportunity. Plus it is a lower grade level that doesn’t do STAAR testing (standardized test). Everything seemed to line up just right and I could not pass on this. I took the job and I am now back to full time teaching.

I feel at home with my career because I was never really happy with property management. My passion is teaching and I feel comfortable in this job. The only sucky part is that I go back to having very little time to myself. I literally go in at 7am and don’t come home some days till 5pm or 6pm. When I get home I spend it with Marcy and then we go to bed at like 8:30. I am too dead tired to do anything else.

When will I be back?

It has been a very interesting time doing all these new life events and I just don’t have time or space for my dolls right now. They are currently in storage and my special ones sit here on shelves in the room. I really hope to get back into doing some kind of content with my dolls when December rolls around. I think I would like to do some laid back videos. The great thing about being back to a full time job is that I will now have a bit more funding for my hobby again. I can’t wait to spoil my resin and vinyl dolls. Heck I might even celebrate by getting a new doll. Who knows?

A huge thanks

I do want to say a huge thanks to those who are still commenting on my videos and watching my old content. I really am amazed to see my numbers still growing even though I haven’t made anything new. I appreciate everyone and love you all!

I cannot wait to do some fun doll stuff at Doll Con Dallas in Feb 2023! I hope to meet more doll friends and have fun hanging out with doll peeps.

Thank you everyone for your understanding! I can’t wait to make more content soon!

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