A BJD Newsletter? FOR REALS? Yes!
What is a newsletter? (Maybe I am just old?)
In case you aren’t sure of what a newsletter is you can basically imagine it like a newspaper that is delivered to your door-er…I mean email box. A newsletter can focus on something singular and focused. In my newsletters case it will focus on BJD related news.
What to look forward to in the BJD Life Newsletter
My goal is to spread the news on the amazing things going on in our BJD hobby! Each newsletter will have a new doll/preorder feature, sales feature, and an artist highlight! Do you want to be a part of this fun? Fill out my form to get a chance for your name to be highlighted!
If you don’t get the chance to be put into my newsletter for the month fear not! I will be publishing articles too with highlights of artists and events!
Some other things that will also be included will be funny BJD memes and community announcements. It is also a great way to check out new articles that will be on the blog!
Why am I doing this?
I have always enjoyed talking about this amazing hobby! I really enjoy writing articles, making YouTube videos, creating online forums, and streaming! I think a newsletter will be another step into spreading the BJD love.
This hobby continues to evolve and grow each day and I love spreading the positivity and fantastic things this hobby has to offer. When I first started collecting it was very hard to find information on BJDs and there really weren’t any active platforms other than Den of Angels (which totes respect to them but it can be overwhelming to people that are new)
I think this will be a great way to showcase artists, creators, and other amazing BJD influencers in the hobby. My wish is that people will continue to love the hobby and spread the love!
How often will the newsletters come out?
Since I am dipping myself into so many different places I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew. I still manage BJD Addicts which has 4 sub groups, BJD Addicts discord, my YouTube Channel where I stream every Tuesday at 9pm CT, and this lovely blog here.
Where does that leave my little newsletter?
To kick it off I would like to get at least 2 newsletters out a month. Once I get into the swing of things I would like to make it a weekly thing if possible.
Where do I sign up?
When you first enter my site you should be greeted with the offer to join my newsletter- if you skipped past that you can also sign up here with this link.
I really hope that you all enjoy the newsletter and have been enjoying the articles on the blog here. If there is a suggestion or something you would like to see, tell me in the comments below!!!
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