BJD Dollar Tree Finds!

Who doesn’t like to look around and see what good deals they find at the Dollar Tree? I love seeing what they have because many a time I have found items that I can use with my BJDs. I have purchased props, faceup supplies, and even clothes for some of my dolls. Today I am going to share with you some of the cool things you could find at your local Dollar Tree!

Craft Section just got a whole lot cooler!

When I recently stepped into my local Dollar Tree the first thing I noticed was that they have a HUGE selection of crafting items now! I feel like it has tripled since I last visited a few months ago.

They have so many things to choose from including paints, paint brushes, art storage, and much more!

Dollar Finds for Cleaning BJDs

There is nothing better then opening a brand new box of Magic Clean Erasers. HOWEVER, if you get them from Wal-Mart or Target you are looking at $3.00 for 1 box that only has 2 erasers in it!

Dollar Tree had a box of three erasers for $1.00!!!! What a steal! I use these bad boys for cleaning off little surface stains, clearing off faceups, and I usually take one when I go to doll meets too! They are so nice to use and I go through them quite often.

Another cool thing they had there were these scrub sheets. They are basically like thin sheets of magic clean eraser. I am so excited to use these because there are times when I am doing a faceup and I feel like I end up wasting the bits I tear off. With this sheet I can cut them into smaller pieces and really just use what I need!

Dollar Finds for BJD DIYs

I was SHOCKED to see that there was now yarn in the new dollar craft section. They had about 5 different colors to choose from but they were good sized rolls. Since the roll was only $1.00 I was tempted to buy all of the colors. Sadly my strength is not in wig making, but paying only $1.00 for a roll of yarn gave me the confidence to try wig making again.

Another neat DIY type item was a blank wooden table. It was pretty tiny but fits my 15cm dollies. I love that it is blank so that way I can color it and design it. They had other furniture pieces as well! There was a dresser, a cabinet, and some other small items.

A huge surprise was name brand Mod Podge! Granted, they were small bottles but good if you needed just a bit. I feel that with a couple of bottles you could complete a lot of crafts. I know wig making utilizes it and if your wig isn’t too big you might be able to get away with just 2 bottles.

Need a wig stopper for your BJD? Jump into the party section and pick up a pack of white balloons. As shown in my BJD Hacks article, you just cut off the bottom of the balloon where you blow into it and ta-dah you have a wig stopper now! It will also protect your BJD head from wig staining.

Dollar Finds for BJD Faceups

The new craft section had an amazing amount of things for BJD faceups. I especially liked the new paint brushes. There were so many to choose from and they looks like really good quality brushes! There was one in particular that I picked up which was a small detail brush. I love using these smaller brushes for eyelashes and eyebrow hair lines.

Need a place to store your brushes and watercolor pencils? Well look no further, the Dollar Tree has you covered! They had a standing brush organizer with 49 spots. I love having easy access to my supplies and with this organizer I can easily see what I have and pick and choose. To put things into perspective Wal-mart sells the same thing for $10.00! So you tell me would you rather pay $1.00 or $10.00?

Have you ever wanted to give your doll lovely lashes? Well take a step into the beauty section and you will find false lashes there for…you guessed it…$1.00! This is actually where I buy all my false lashes for my faceups. I have been doing it for years, and honestly the selections vary at times but I am always stocking up on these guys.

Something new I am going to try is floral tape. It is a very easy to remove tape with very little adhesive. I want to try using it like makeup tape to do sharp lines for eyeliner and for keeping color in one area. I imagine you can also use it for making tattoos that have straight lines. I will share more on this as I experiment with it.

Want your doll to have piercings? Seed beads are your answer and Dollar Tree has em! I will use white Elmer’s glue to glue them to wherever the piercing needs to go. I will also fill in the hole with glue. Once it is all dried I will get a fine brush and paint the bead whatever color I desire. I have used this for eyebrow piercings, nose bridge piercings, and also for regular ear piercing. The best part of doing it this way is that if you don’t like it you can just pop it off with no damage to the resin.

Do you like adding deco to your doll? I found these nail decal stickers that would be great for decora theme dolls or maybe even pass as tattoos. I have used other nail deco to faceups before and they really add dimension. Since these are basically like stickers you can apply them to your dolls and when you want them to come off just peel them off and clean the area.

Dollar Finds for BJD Storage

Another great find was these storage containers. I am always looking for storage for my dolly items.

These small containers with lids can be used for BJD eyes, BJD accessories, or maybe even for 1/6 shoes! I am a sucker for storage items and I think that if you do BJD related crafts you can totally use these!

This craft box was small but again I could see multiple uses for it. I know my first instinct is always to put BJD eyes in a box but with this box they can be all placed in the same place. I have a lot of BJD jewelry too that I can imagine putting into this box as well.

Aside from the plastic containers there were multiple glass jars there and wooden boxes too! There was just so many tempting things there for BJD storage it was hard to pick and choose.

Ready to shop?

I cannot guarantee that your Dollar Tree will have the same items mine did BUT I can tell you that you can find a lot of it through their online site.

The great thing about Dollar Tree stores is that you never know what you are going to find! I hope that you can find some great deals and awesome goodies for your BJDs!

Tell me in the comments section what are some great things you have found at your local Dollar Tree?

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